Would you like more information on how you can give one or more trees as a gift? You are in the right section.
💝 🌱 There are three different methods by which you can make your gifts:
email, link and card.
👉 You can make the gift after completing the purchase.
🔺 👉🏼 If you are currently making a purchase or will do it later, you can tick "Contains at least one gift” inside your shopping cart:
This way, you will be able to proceed right after the payment.
Click on “Start now”:
and follow the instructions.
🔺 👉🏼 If you have already made your purchase and want to gift the trees you already have in your profile:
First make sure you’re logged into your profile.
Select the profile icon and then click on "Gift your trees"
Or, enter MyTreedom and select Gifts from the menu 🙃
Now, please click on "Gift one of your trees"
- Write the recipient's name
- Select the tree (or trees) you would like to gift
- Give the tree a special name if you want to:
Please press "Confirm", in order to proceed.
🔹 You can choose one of three available delivery methods:
Email 📥
Link 🔗
Card ✍️
Email 📥
If you choose to send the tree by email, all you have to do is type in the recipient's email address and choose the day you want the recipient to receive the gift.
The email will be sent automatically on the chosen day.
Link 🔗
If you want to give a tree as a gift immediately, we recommend you choose to do so via a link.
In just a few steps, you can view and copy the gift link to send to the recipient yourself: use WhatsApp, Messenger, SMS or any kind of private message.
✍️ Card
If you would like to give your tree as a gift with a card, you will find card previews available in a dedicated section.
🖨️ Once you have chosen your card, follow the instructions to download, print and hand-deliver it!
🌱 The recipient will accept the tree via QR code or alternatively the Treecode printed on the card.
The last steps of the gifting process are:
- Choosing a design to make it more customized and fun
- Select the language
- Write a message for the recipient
After this, you will find a resume and you can change some details or confirm 😊
🆘 How do I find the details of the gift, if I need to?
You can always go back to your personal area, MyTreedom, to find the details of the gift.
Once you are in the "Gifts" section, you need to click on the gift you would like to check:
This below is an example of what you will find:
💚 We hope this article has been helpful. Do not hesitate to contact us if you're in need!
Write an e-mail to info@treedom.net