Welcome to the jungle!
💚 💡 If you have a Business
👉🏼 Before registering as an individual, we recommend checking out our dedicated business site! You can register as a small, medium, or large business.
➡️ Click here to discover the services and benefits reserved for the business world and learn how your company can make a difference too! 🌳
💚 👤 Register Your Personal Profile
🔸 Go to https://www.treedom.net/en/ and click on the login icon. Then, click on "Register as a user".
You'll then choose your preferred registration method from the options provided and continue.
Once you complete these steps, all you need to do is fill in the form with your details and confirm the registration by clicking "Sign Up" 😊🌳
👉 Remember to accept the Terms and Conditions!
And, to stay up to date with news and promotions, we recommend checking the other boxes too.
💚 👤 Log In to Your Account
🔸 Go to https://www.treedom.net/en/ and click on the login icon. Then, click on the "Sign in" button:
👉 How Did You Register?
Choose the same option you used when registering your account:
⚠️ If you can't remember your password, select "Forgot your password?" and follow the instructions! The reset email may take up to an hour to arrive.
➡️ Still need help?
Contact us by email at info@treedom.net 😊
💚 We hope this article was helpful. For any additional information, please feel free to reach out to us!
Send us an email at info@treedom.net