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APP - Delete your account

If you wish to delete your profile, this is how you can do it:

You can delete your account easily. 

🌿 Log in with your credentials first.

👉 This allows you to proceed independently.



🌿 Once logged in, click on the profile icon in the bottom right-hand corner.

 Then, enter the settings:



🌿 Select the first option: "Profile Settings";
Scroll down and click on the last item in red: "Delete account".



🌿 Now you can confirm your choice definitively.

⚠️ This action is irreversible! ⚠️

✋ Please wait!

We are very sorry that you decided to delete your account! 😓

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 If you want to, write an email to info@treedom.net 🙂 

💚 We hope you found this article useful!
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Send an e-mail to info@treedom.net